Will 2022 Be The Year You Invest In Yourself?

As a woman you overcome difficult situations day by day and fight different fights with each passing year, so why not 2022 be your year? You deserve to call it that way and make it your own.
Let's make 2022 a self loving year!

Let's start by feeling the self-love, courage, resilience, strength, hope, sensuality, and empowerment.

8TH MARCH 2022.

Will 2022 be the year you invest in yourself?

If you still need an excuse to declare this year as such, I will give you the best gift date ideas. No doubt that any date is good to treat yourself with a boudoir photo session, but ladies, nternational Women's Day is coming, so either self-give the session or surprise your partner with some photographs of the Goddess that you are!

Ladies & Gents, Vouchers are available NOW! The perfect gift!!!

8th March - International Women's Day. You must be able to celebrate being a woman, a woman who loves herself and is loved, and one of the most confident ways to do it is through a boudoir session.

This could be your way to break the routine, pamper yourself, and feel good. This photographic theme can help a lot to increase self-esteem, body acceptance, give closure to some difficult personal or health issue that has been experienced.

I am convinced that all women want to feel sexy, fantastic, and divine! However, most importantly I learned that throughout boudoir sessions women want to accept and cherish themselves just the way they are. This year you must leave the complexes and insecurities in the closet, show all your beauty and embrace the strengths that you already bring!

Despite being someone's love, you are your own love first, so a boudoir photo session for the 8th of March is also a splendid idea. This date is International women's day, and what better day to say: I accept, love, and honour myself – than through photos that will make you appreciate yourself as a woman even more.

Every person is unique, so your boudoir session has to be too. Contact me for your Brisbane boudoir, Sunshine Coast boudoir and Central Qld boudoir photography experience – I will make sure it is such a special and empowering experience for you. Grab my Elk and Fir Boudoir Notebook to learn how to prep yourself for the session!