5 Myths About Boudoir

Every industry has its myths and boudoir photography is no different. With ever-evolving styles and different photographic visions, it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s fiction. But you don’t have to keep wondering about which is which. Here are five myths about boudoir photography, debunked.


1. It’s Pornography- One of the most common myths about boudoir photography is that it’s porn. Pardon my French, but I call bullshit!!!!   Boudoir photography is about empowering my clients. The photos are about bringing the viewer an emotional response to an artistic portrayal of beauty. In the same way that classical art portraiture isn’t considered pornographic, boudoir photography stands apart.  My style is natural. feminine and fierce.  


Empowering women to be courageously Feminine


2. You Need To Do It For Someone Else- While boudoir photos make a great gift, these sessions aren’t exclusively for the benefit of others. Boudoir photography is all about loving what you’re rocking and each photo is about celebrating you. If you think your celebration of self is better when shared with someone, great! If you’re looking at it as a present for yourself, that’s great too!


3. You Need The Perfect Body- If you have a body, it’s perfect for a boudoir photo shoot. There is no ‘right’ type when it comes to boudoir photography—this is all about loving your one-of-a-kind self. In this entire Universe, there is only ONE of Y-O-U!  Whether you’re curvy, petite or anywhere in between you’re perfectly poised for a boudoir shoot. Have questions? We’re here to help and would love to give you tips for your specific body type. Shoot us an email at hello@elkandfir.com or shoot me a text to 0402 067 060.  I will totally guide your girlfriend!


4. You Need Expensive Lingerie- Some of my favorite spots to grab beautiful lingerie are anything but expensive. If you’re working with a budget (or just want a lot of options at affordable prices) hop over to Forever21 where you’ll find just about every type of lingerie. You can also find affordable pieces at other online websites like AliExpress, Shein. Great deals are out there, you just have to find them!


5. You Have To Wear Lingerie- Real talk: you don’t even have to wear lingerie during your shoot. Your boudoir shoot is all about 

y-o-u and what you love. If panties and bralettes aren’t your thing, throw them to the wind. Other great ideas for boudoir photos are to use white sheets. Props or other articles of clothing are also great in lieu of lingerie. Be as creative as you want! Think jerseys, button down shirts, instruments, etc. 

Have a myth we didn’t cover or a question about one you heard? Drop us an email at hello@elkandfir.com!


Warmly. Xoxo
